Saturday, July 12, 2008

What Are My Broadband Options?

There are different broadband technologies available to the consumer depending upon the geographical location of the subscriber. Basic services can be provided in a number of ways.

Cable high speed internet availability is most likely connected with the provision of cable television service. These companies use the same lines used for cable service and is ordinarily offered by your cable provider. Download speeds are typically 1.5 to 3 MBps (Megabytes per second) or about 30 to 60 times faster than a 56K dial-up connection.

Cable internet can be connected using cable television jacks, but the technician may install a new jack near your primary computer. The provider's "modem" is connected to the cable jack and computer using an Ethernet or USB cable.

While most people might think of public wireless as being in a "hot zone" at their local coffee shop or airport, real wireless internet services a broad coverage area in a unique frequency range: similar to how cellular phone networks operate. In addition, a consumer can be located anywhere within that coverage area in order to receive wireless service. Wireless internet service is very easy to enable. The wireless provider's device plugs into an electrical outlet and connects your PC or laptop while using a standard Ethernet networking cable. No software is required. Signal boosters or wireless routers can extend the service area within your house if the modem location is away from the computer.

DSL Internet Services, or (Digital Subscriber Line Internet Services) are generally found in densely populated areas. These Internet service companies are usually the local phone service providers, since phone lines are used to provide this kind of high speed service. Although DSL uses phone landlines, it does not interfere with regular phone service, so you can surf at high speeds while still talking on the phone. DSL broadband provides downloads ranging from 768 Kbps to 6000 Kbps (Kilobytes per second) or about 15 to 120 times faster than a 56K dial-up service. With DSL a "logon" is required each time you use it, but no dial-up is required.

DSL Internet Services can be installed using existing phone lines, but the service technician will frequently install a separate line for the service, since many homes have aging phone line wiring that may be incompatible with newer internet technologies. The new equipment connects to the land-line jack and to your computer using an Ethernet or USB cable.

Satellite Internet Service is the one high speed broadband service that is available no matter where you live. If you have access to electricity and (in North America) an unobstructed view of the southern sky, satellite broadband should be available. Broadband satellite providers are usually specialized service providers. Serious improvements have been made since the first satellite internet services were offered, and a dial-up connection is no longer a requirement for uploads. Satellite broadband service is an independent operation not relying upon telephone or cable networks. Download speeds for home-based satellite broadband internet are typically 500-1000 Kbps (Kilobytes per second) or about 10-20 times faster than a 56K modem. Satellite broadband service is not quite ideal for consumers whose demands are for a quick response such as that required for online games or stock trading since satellite has a slight delay during transmissions. Satellite internet can provide a mobile solution for an RV or the summer cabin.

Any kind of Internet performance is dependent on a "strong and clean signal" from the broadband provider. If the signal is intermittent or reduced, broadband performance will be unreliable. Be sure the installation technician does not leave before testing confirming good signal strength and performance.

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